For users who have to limit themselves with MP3 players, it is not possible to enjoy the features of other audio and video files. Altdo Convert Mp3 Master can prove to boon to all such users who have to limit their wishes previously. Altdo Convert Mp3 Master is a wonderful tool to convert almost every kind of audio and video files to an MP3 file. Altdo Convert Mp3 Master supports many conversions of many different formats which includes: avi to mp3,divx to mp3,xvid ,mpeg ,mpg ,dat ,vob ,wmv ,asf ,rm , rmvb, mov and qt. All these different formats of files can be converted to mp3, wma and wav. Altdo Convert Mp3 is a very supportive software tool. With Altdo Convert Mp3 Master, users don’t have to restrict themselves to particular operating system as it can be run on all those PC’s which have Windows 95/ 98/ Me /NT /2000/ XP/Vista. The creators of Altdo Convert Mp3 Master always are on their toes to keep their users’ satisfied with their extraordinary facilities. In the context of keeping of their users’ satisfied, higher version of Altdo Convert Mp3 Master may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. Altdo Convert Mp3 Master is very user-friendly and interactive software tool with its easy-to-use interface. Thus, Altdo Convert Mp3 Master is a very convenient software tool which make complicated task easy for users.